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“You can quit smoking but not chitris!” - Sarah, England

Most people know the game of Chitris in some version. At Onlinebandit we have taken the game to a higher level, and made it a multiplayer game! You can now play against your friends. Who is the fastest and who can keep their head the coolest?

In its simplicity, the game is all about creating horizontal lines with the different chitris pieces. When a line is filled out it disappears, and every time you have filled out two lines, your opponent gets a new line with gaps in it at the bottom of his screen pushing all his pieces towards the top. The winner is the player that first pushes the other all the way up! Sometimes a small weight or a dynamite stick will appear in stead of a new piece. The weight pushes down a vertical line so it will be filled out, and the dynamite blows up everything in close range to it.

Practice your speed skills and your ability to fill out gaps, try Onlinebandit’s chitris game and acquire a new habit that you never want to quit!